Saturday, June 5, 2010

Lottie Moon UP for 2009...what's up with that?

How about this: The 2009 Lottie Moon Offering for International Missions was UP 5.37% over 2008.

That is good news!

$148.9M is 3rd-largest Lottie Moon offering

It is noteworthy that the ‘supplemental’ offering promoted last summer by Danny Akin and others (think Great Commission Resurgence) accounted for over half of the increase, something that should indeed be celebrated.

I recall last year reading a piece by a critic who said that if the IMB wanted more money then everyone else - all the Cooperative Program recipients; the states, the seminaries, etc. - had to get their share as well. Baloney. Who knows how many people are on the field right now because churches ignored that piece of counsel.

While my church didn’t do a supplemental offering, we worked hard to increase our Lottie Moon offering over last year.

The Cooperative Program is showing a decrease, by the way. Some clever Baptist can probably find out why…if they wanted to know.

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