Friday, December 26, 2014

Plodder's 2014 predictions: How'd I do?

I made some scintillating predictions for 2014 on January 2 of this year.

How did I do? Since there's no penalty for being wrong, I'm happy to go back and check:

1. SBC Presidential Election

I predicted that I would be present in Baltimore. In spite of an unexpected and generous offer of expense money from a friend, I passed on it. Maybe this year.

I also speculated that there would be a megachurch pastor candidate, an ethnic candidate, and "maybe" a candidate oriented to the Calvinist/Traditionalist conflict. Ronnie Floyd, megapastor, was elected. Dennis Kim, ethnic pastor, was nominated but no C/T.

I judge this prediction a draw.

2. Calvinist/Traditionalist Stuff

I predicted a renewal of C/T conflict in spite of Frank Page's ad hoc committee report of 2013. I give myself a confirmation on this one, since there are prominent voices who call attention to the C/T posture of any high level appointments in SBC life. David Platt, for example, was said to be yet another in an unbroken string of high level Calvinist agency heads.

3. Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong Offerings

I predicted increases for both. The 2013 Lottie Moon offering was the most ever. The 2013 Annie Armstrong offering was the third straight increase. "Money follows vision," the brethren like to say. There is vision afoot in NAMB these days and there always has been vision relative to international missions. The money totals show that.

I got this one right.

4. State Conventions

I predicted continued financial shortfalls. Although there was some improvement in some areas, I was correct. State conventions are struggling.

5. Cooperative Program

I predicted another slight decline. Receipts to the SBC Executive Committee's allocation budget declined by $1.4 million so I got this right, although I don't have CP receipts by the states, some of which showed increases. The CP is still a declining brand.

6. Housing Allowance

I predicted that the decision to declare it unconstitutional would be appealed and that there would be no further decision in 2014. I was right on the first, wrong on the second. The appeal was made and the decision thrown out on the issue of standing.

7. Plagiarism

I said that plagiarism was rampant among SBC pastors and that some folks well know to SBCers would be stung by the same. I cannot recall any for this year, though 2013 was a big year for it. Anecdotally, I see evidence of this all the time.

8. Personal predictions

I did indeed replenish my wood pile, every stick cut and split by me, personally. I did preach more in 2014 than 2013, though not much later in the year. I predicted an increase of 50% in grandchildren. Turns out the increase was 100%.

I judge myself to be batting .800 for the year: four right, one wrong, and three bases on balls. Not too shabby although I batted .829 one year in a softball league.

I'll have some 2015 predictions soon.

Hope you had a nice Christmas. Take the rest of the week off, pastor.

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